Haiku, Turning

Haiku, Turning

I think I know our world, yet I know very little. I write haiku.

“Many turns make the journey.”

That is not a throw-away statement. Nevertheless, I continue to write.

Let me see that phrase then, “many turns make the journey” as haiku, and I still know little.

This next bit becomes a smaller frame to help haiku forming. Here goes.

So, I consider an experience. I chose a pond (pond) for my experience.

Pond. I focus on pond as a subject not with sweat but with playfulness.

It would be advisable to vary one’s subject matter however, pond is at once confined and infinite.

How so? The world is in flux, the writer (writer) changes, and, at least pond does not remain the same. And pond is in the actual environment. Last, recipient (receiver) is varied day-to-day.

How so haiku in regard to the subject pond in constant, yet indeterminable changes?

To that answer, now enter writer. If writer, then haiku, and, possibly, recipient.

And so: If haiku, then the turning for writer and for possible recipient.

Many Journeys.


c. Lemuel

31 October 2018

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