Group Journal Project

A few Art folks and I cast about for ways to break a few old art habits while no one is watching, and to try to do something ‘different’ to get over our creative blocks, and maybe to have some shared laughs, always a great way to get motivated. “Them that suffer together with friends, still suffer. Together. Mightily.” I think that’s a rough translation of an old Viking saying.

We’re scattered across our continent of North America but we get together often at the events we all love, and have a meal, and show off our wretched portfolios or gnarly sketch books. We are a varied lot of Makers, a collective mix of medias, with high toleration for the humans in the human condition we all swim in… Maybe that’s a repetition. Maybe I ended a sentence in a preposition. That’s one part and why we get along so well. We ‘get it’ most of the time.

So, enter a third-party instigator Keri Smith. Wreck This Journal (WTJ) is a self-contained, universal, and just wacky enough to entice harried Artists with a love of fun that can yield other serious benefits. Together.

I am not sponsored by the creator of WTJ or any of the outlets that offer the book for sale.

Here are a few of my pages. The instructions are clear (no Narrator voice-over) so see for yourself if fun is or isn’t my goal. More later, probably.